Uses of Class

Packages that use SessionException

Uses of SessionException in dermi

Methods in dermi that throw SessionException
 void Session.addInterceptor(RemoteInterceptorListener listener, java.util.Hashtable evt)
          Adds an interceptor to the specified multicast group
 void Session.addRemoteAnycallEventListener(RemoteEventListener sel, java.util.Hashtable subscription)
          Adds an anycall listener
 void Session.anycall(java.util.Hashtable evt)
          Makes an anycall
 void Session.close()
          The close method safely frees resources and closes the connection.
static Session SessionFactory.createSession(java.util.Hashtable env)
          Method used to create a session
static Session SessionFactory.createSession(java.lang.String envFile)
          Method used to create a session
static Session SessionFactory.createSession( fileUrl)
          Method used to create a session
 void evt)
          The open method is mainly used by the facility class SessionFactory, so normally should not be used by programmers.
 void Session.publish(java.util.Hashtable event)
          The publish method produces notifications in a simple and straightforward style.
 void Session.publish(java.util.Hashtable event, obj)
          Publisher method that accepts a Serializable object as a parameter.
 void Session.publishDirect(java.util.Hashtable event)
          Publishes an event directly to a peer (without routing it through the rendezvous point)
 void Session.publishDirect(java.util.Hashtable event, obj)
          Publishes an event directly to a peer (without routing it through the rendezvous point)
 void Session.removeInterceptor(java.util.Hashtable evt)
          Removes an interceptor from the specified multicast group
 void Session.removeRemoteAnycallEventListener(RemoteEventListener sel, java.util.Hashtable subscription)
          Removes an anycall listener
 void Session.subscribe(RemoteEventListener listener, java.util.Hashtable subs)
          This method creates a listener of remote events that matches the subscription specified in the subscription parameter.
 void Session.subscribe(RemoteEventListener listener, java.lang.String subs)
          This method creates a listener of remote events that matches the subscription specified in the subscription parameter.
 void Session.unsubscribe(RemoteEventListener listener, java.util.Hashtable subs)
          This method removes the subscription specified in subscription parameters.
 void Session.unsubscribe(RemoteEventListener listener, java.lang.String subs)
          This method removes the subscription specified in subscription parameters.

Uses of SessionException in dermi.session.pastry

Methods in dermi.session.pastry that throw SessionException
 void Session.addInterceptor(RemoteInterceptorListener sel, java.util.Hashtable evt)
          Add interceptor application to specified multicast group.
 void Session.addRemoteAnycallEventListener(RemoteEventListener sel, java.util.Hashtable event)
          Add remote anycast event listener to specified multicast group.
 void Session.anycall(java.util.Hashtable evt)
          Make a method call to any of the group members.
 void Session.close()
          Closes the current session.
 void env)
          Opens a new session.
 void Session.publish(java.util.Hashtable evt)
          Send event to multicast group.
 void Session.publish(java.util.Hashtable event, obj)
          Send object event to multicast group.
 void Session.publishDirect(java.util.Hashtable evt)
          Send event directly.
 void Session.publishDirect(java.util.Hashtable event, obj)
          Send object directly.
 void Session.removeInterceptor(java.util.Hashtable evt)
          Remove interceptor application from specified multicast group.
 void Session.removeRemoteAnycallEventListener(RemoteEventListener sel, java.util.Hashtable event)
          Removes an anycall event listener
 void Session.subscribe(RemoteEventListener sel, java.util.Hashtable event)
          Add remote event listener to specified multicast group.
 void Session.subscribe(RemoteEventListener listener, java.lang.String subs)
          Add remote event listener to specified multicast group.
 void Session.unsubscribe(RemoteEventListener sel, java.util.Hashtable event)
          Remove remote event listener from the specified multicast group.
 void Session.unsubscribe(RemoteEventListener listener, java.lang.String subs)
          Remove remote event listener from the specified multicast group.