Package dermi

Interface Summary
EInterceptor This interface is used to identify objects that can be intercepted by Dermi's distributed interception mechanism.
ERemote The Remote Interface is used to identify interfaces whose methods may be invoked from a non-local virtual machine.
Session The Session class establishes a simple contract to access publish/subscribe middleware.
StatefulReplica This is the interface to be implemented by any replicated stateful Dermi object

Class Summary
DermiProxy This class is the Dynamic Proxy that replaces all static stubs that had to be pregenerated in previous versions of Dermi using the 'dermic' tool
DermiRemoteInterceptorObject This class implements the generic skeleton class for any interceptor object
DermiRemoteObject This class implements the generic skeleton class for any Dermi object
EventServer This is an utility class for skeletons and stubs (both inherit from EventServer).
Registry This class provides Decentralized Registry's static and generic methods
SessionFactory Utility class that connects to the notification service using environment parameters and instantiates the appropriate class provider.