Package dermi.exception

Exception Summary
ComponentMetadataIncompleteException A ComponentMetadataIncompleteException is thrown if a component's metadata vital fields are missing.
ConnectionException A ConnectionException is thrown if an Exception occurs in the event middleware.
NoSuchDermiObjectException NoSuchDermiObjectException is thrown if the invoked object is not a Dermi object.
NotBoundException A NotBoundException is thrown if an attempt is made to look up in the registry a name that has no associated binding.
NotSatisfiedException Exception class that is thrown when an anycall/manycall condition was unable to be satisfied by any of the group members.
RegistryNotLoadedException Exception thrown when the decentralized registry is not loaded
RemoteException A RemoteException is the common superclass for a wide number of communication-related exceptions that may occur during the execution of a remote method call.
SessionException Wrapper exception class to different exceptions It simply stores the incoming exception and provides a method for obtaining the "real" exception.
TimeoutException TimeoutException is thrown if the timeout expires in a remote call.
TypeNotFoundException TypeNotFoundException is thrown if a type is unknown when generating stubs and skeletons.
UnmatchedAnycallMethodException Exception class that is thrown when an anycall/manycall condition was unable to be satisfied by any of the group members.