
May 10, 2005. p2pCM Next Releases p2pCM has been included in DERMI distribution.



A component is defined as a unit of software application composition with contractually specified interfaces and explicit context dependencies that can be developed, acquired, added to the system and composed of other independent components, in time and space. Component interfaces determine the operations that a component implements, and the operations it uses from other components during its execution.

A distributed component-oriented model is an architecture for defining components and their interactions. It must provide a packaging technology for deploying binary component executables. Moreover, it needs a container framework for injecting life cycle, thus permitting activation and passivation of component instances. Other services include security, transactions, persistence, events, and others.

We have designed a new decentralized P2P grid component model which runs on top of an overlay network. We have implemented the majority of traditional component models services, but adapted them to the underlying topology. These include:

- A decentralized component location and deployment facility.

   - A decentralized lightweight container model which provides components with the following services:

  · Component life cycle service
  · Component persistence
  · Adaptive component activation




The container is responsible for managing components’ life cycle, and notifying them about life cycle events such as activation, passivation, or transaction progress. Any component provides event interfaces that the container automatically invokes when particular events occur. Moreover, it provides components uniform access to services such as persistence, security, transactions, and many others. In traditional client-server based component models, the container itself is usually based on a web application server, database server, operating system, etc. These kinds of containers are rather monolithic and consume large amounts of resources thus requiring powerful machines to run on. This philosophy remains in stark contrast with that of P2P, where machines are usually treated as equals, and applications run on them must adapt for each node’s own capacity and limitations. For our component model we have taken into account these considerations, and opted for designing a decentralized lightweight container model. In our case, all of the nodes that belong to the network are containers, and as such, they can house many components. The idea is that any component can be run in any node (except for any restriction), because each node runs a lightweight container.

Our containers are fault resilient and autonomous: components are replicated all along the network. If a container fails, surely other containers housing those components will exist in the network.



  • Distribution: Source and binary code, written and compiled in Java v1.5.0 RC. License: Dermi is available under a LGPL-like license.

    January 28, 2005. Release 1.0.

    • Release Notes: Initial version.
    • Download: [source + binaries ]



Carles Pairot Gavaldà, PhD student in the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics at Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain. Contact <>

Ruben Mondejar Andreu, PhD student in the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics at Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain. Contact <>

Pedro García López, full-time professor in the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics at Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain. Contact <>




  • Carles Pairot, Pedro García, Rubén Mondéjar, and Antonio F. Gómez Skarmeta. Building Wide-Area Collaborative Applications on top of Structured Peer-to-Peer Overlays. Accepted for publication on Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE-2005). Linkoping, Sweden, June 2005.

  • Carles Pairot, Pedro García, Rubén Mondéjar, and Antonio F. Gómez Skarmeta. p2pCM: A Structured Peer-to-Peer Grid Component Model. Accepted for publication on Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Science. 2nd International Workshop on Active and Programmable Grid Architectures and Components. Atlanta, USA, May 2005.